The globally-renowned anime, Attack on Titan, joins the ranks of Ninjala this March. GungHo Online Entertainment revealed details about the upcoming collaboration in a new developer diary. Players can obtain outfits and accessories based on Attack on Titan starting March 15.
- Wear The Wings: Dress the part of a Survey Corp soldier with outfits based on hit characters like Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackermann. Players can also receive a special outfit based on Levi and the New ODM Gear Style from the collab gacha.
- Leave Them Thunderstruck: Players can obtain Ninja-Gum based on Thunder Spears and Titans. The Thunder Spear Pow Wow Gum packs a punch, and when paired with the New ODM Gear Style, you can recreate the thrilling battle between Paradis and Marley.
- Offer Up Your Emotes: Recreate scenes from Attack on Titan with emotes based on iconic moments including “Titan Transformation,” “Levi’s Attack,” and “Offer Up Your Hearts.”
- Gather Additional Rations: There are plenty of other special items coming to the Shinobi Shop, including Titan-themed Gum Utsusemi, IPPON Decorations, Stickers, and Gum Bottles based on the Omni-Directional Mobility Gear.
- Become an Elite Soldier: The Attack on Titan Cup will be held to commemorate the collab with special rewards granted based on ranking. The top 2,000 players will receive Military Police Regiment-themed outfits.