
Meridiem Games to Publish The Bearer & The Last Flame via Digital Stores for Consoles and PC


Publisher Meridiem Games is thrilled to announce they will be releasing Dark Reaper Studio’s Soulslike dark fantasy action-adventure title The Bearer & The Last Flame for consoles and PC via digital stores. The Bearer & The Last Flame is available to wishlist now via the PlayStation Store and Steam

The Bearer & The Last Flame is a dark fantasy action adventure. In a realm where death is rampant, a living soul has received his commission, to carry the last flame and light the lands of the night, the dark lands.

About The Bearer & The Last Flame

Darkness has ravaged the lands of men. Creatures of the night, demons, and the soulless dead roam the confines of the dark realm. Only a glimmer of light hovers over the hills of Inserland. The castles of ancient kings given way to the abodes of the darkest beasts.

You are the bearer of the last light of the world. The last flame.

In your hands is the courage, the determination and your courage to defeat the darkness of the five kingdoms. It is your mission, to transport the last flame, and return the creatures and beasts to their realm of darkness.

The Bearer & The Last Flame will be available for consoles and PC via digital stores in 2024. wishlist now via the PlayStation Store and Steam. For more information, visit

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